Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Roe Act in Jeopardy!

The stunning leak of the U.S. Supreme Court’s draft opinion that would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade and open the door to a flood of dangerous, ineffective abortion bans in states across the U.S. has us all reeling. 

To effectively render a judgment that American women are subject to the will of a conservative minority when it comes to bodily autonomy seems unthinkable in today’s day and age.

Yet, here we are.

We all know the many research-validated arguments to uphold the law of the land, including:

Yet, here we are.

We also know how little this autocratic, ideologically-motivated decision has to do with valuing life. We know that:

  • In the 26 states poised to severely restrict access to safe and legal abortion if Roe were overturned, maternal deaths are expected to rise at least 20% (Stevenson, 2021).
  • States with the strictest abortion laws typically spend the least on child welfare (Whitehurst, Fassett, Lo, 2022).

Yet, here we are.

It is clear that female autonomy is a threat to conservatives and religious fanatics in this country, and that subjugating women reproductively is a primary strategy to eliminate this threat. It’s also clear that most Republicans refuse to take responsibility for the extremism overtaking their party. It’s up to us to act. Here are some of the ways you can make a difference in this fight.


Get more involved in our Holliston Democratic Town Committee. More hands mean more power to impact swing races, amplify our voices for change, and get Democrats elected.

  • Sign up for our newsletter using the form on the right.
  • Come to our monthly meetings (second Saturday of each month at 10 AM).
  • Follow us on Facebook and keep an eye on our website and calendar for upcoming opportunities to act.


A contingent from Holliston will be traveling to the Worcester Bans Off Our Bodies event this Saturday, 5/14. The event takes place from 1-2:30. When you sign up, you get information about the exact location. Contact Cynthia Burrow if you want to link up in Holliston or in Worcester.

We’ll continue to keep an eye on opportunities to demonstrate in support of reproductive freedom. Other local, state, and national organizations that hold regular demonstrations include:

  • Women’s March
  • Indivisible (There are many indivisible groups throughout MA. This link allows you to search for events by date/location.)


Support organizations fighting for reproductive freedom and that have shown a will to litigate anti-choice, extremist laws and policies.

Elect Democrats

We must strengthen our majorities in the House and Senate in order to codify women’s right to bodily autonomy. We cannot rely on moderate Republicans to take a stand against anti-choice extremists. Join the HDTC in phone banks, postcard-writing campaigns, fundraisers, and other activities and events to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. Sign up for our newsletter, come to our monthly meetings, and stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for upcoming opportunities.

Donate to organizations that support candidates in key swing races and that work toward restoring voting rights and access.